Mae was a member of the WOSGA Board of Directors from 1973 to 1993. Her most prominent position while on the Board was that of Official Starter. Those who have played in the WOSGA Amateur Championship during those years have many fond memories of Mae on the first tee. Since 1955, she has been a member of Mohawk Golf Club in Tiffin and was instrumental in having that club host our amateur event on three occasions.
In September 2002, Mae became advisor to the newly initiated women’s golf program at Tiffin University in Tiffin, Ohio. Her generosity of time and financial support included the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University, Tiffin University (her alma mater) and the Betty Jane Center. Mae passed away on May 17, 2004. Those lucky enough to have played with her will always remember her skill and her passion for the game. The many people and organizations she touched will continue to benefit from her generous spirit.